WordPress SEO

The most important step in marketing your WordPress website is, without a doubt, SEO.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is complex and time-consuming, and it goes far beyond just using plugins like Yoast or Rankmath on your WordPress site.

In the market, there are thousands of so-called SEO ‘experts’ who want to take your money by making small tweaks to your site, sending you endless lists of meaningless keywords, and talking in jargon that makes it hard to understand what they’re doing.

The only thing you seem to get for the money you spend is a Google Analytics report that arrives every month.

I offer completely transparent, straightforward, and uncomplicated SEO services for WordPress sites.

There’s no magic solution for a bad website. You can buy traffic or attract it organically, but visitors will leave immediately if the site isn’t up to par. It’s easy to get an objective audit of your site using an online tool, but you need to dig deeper than that. Your site’s structure, content, and all other elements must be properly checked and optimized.

This is usually the first stage of any SEO project. For many of the sites I work on, organizing the website forms the initial phase of an SEO campaign.

So, no matter what you do, if you have a slow-loading website with bad code, it’s impossible to succeed in SEO.

So, what do we do together?

First, we need to clarify the current state of your website. To do this, I perform the tasks detailed on the WordPress Troubleshooting page. Once your site is brought up to the necessary level, we move on to the second stage.

Like most of my work, SEO begins with a well-defined SEO Strategy on paper.

SEO should be planned from the very beginning, which requires taking into account your business, products or services, sales, conversion rates, and profit margins.

To deliver effective SEO, I first need to understand your business.

It’s not worth talking to an SEO ‘expert’ who doesn’t care how SEO is connected to your overall business strategy. You’ll get stuck with someone who can’t go beyond the processes they’ve memorized.

I need to know where your business is today and where you want it to be tomorrow.

SEO is about your business and its goals. These need to be clearly understood and integrated into your SEO plan before anything else. While the reputation of your brand is certainly important, SEO is not public relations.

If your business is just starting out, search engine optimization will take time. You won’t have brand equity, domain authority, or history. It might make more sense to consider supporting your SEO with PPC (Pay-Per-Click).

If you have an established brand with good domain authority, existing content, and strong backlinks, an SEO campaign will get off to a quick start. Most businesses fall somewhere between these two points.

Once we start working together, we assess your current situation and create weekly and monthly plans. Then, it’s just a matter of watching your traffic rise together. This, in a nutshell, is my WordPress SEO service.

If you’re interested in working together on WordPress SEO or getting more information, you can reach out by filling out the form below or by contacting me via the WhatsApp line at the bottom of the page.

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