WordPress Development

WordPress Development and Theme Installation: Why Should You Opt for a Custom Design?

WordPress development is at the heart of what I do every day. For me, WordPress development goes beyond just writing code; a well-designed WordPress site should be enjoyable to use, intuitive, and fast. That’s why I design WordPress sites with two main user groups in mind – you, the site owner, and your visitors. Both of these groups need a site that is easy to navigate and use.

When it comes to developing with WordPress, one of the most popular content management systems worldwide, there are two different approaches. The first approach is using a Pre-built WordPress Theme, also known as WordPress Theme Installation, and the second is opting for a Custom WordPress Theme Design. Each of these approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages.

How is WordPress Theme Installation Done?

Contrary to popular belief, theme installation involves several dynamics that require careful attention. A mistake or an oversight during the installation process can lead to your site becoming non-functional in the future. Additionally, the installation process is not just about uploading theme files to the system; there are numerous tasks that need to be done afterward. Most of these tasks are related to performance and security, and they include Search Engine Optimization (SEO) processes that are vital for your site.

What Does WordPress Theme Installation Include?

  • Demo Installation: The theme is installed exactly as it appears on the demo page, such as the one you saw on themeforest.net when you purchased it.
  • Security Measures: After installation, various security measures are implemented to protect your site from threats like bot attacks, unwanted comments, and registrations.
  • Performance Optimization: Performance-enhancing processes are applied to ensure your site loads quickly.
  • SEO Configuration: Your site’s technical SEO setup is completed and handed over after installation.
  • Integrations: Integration of tracking systems like Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics, and Facebook Pixel.
  • Translation Services: Your theme is translated to the language of your choice, done in a way that ensures the translations won’t be lost after updates.
  • Homepage Integration: The homepage is configured specifically for your theme, along with other settings for product, service, and detail pages, all provided with guide videos.

Frequently Asked Questions About WordPress Theme Installation:

  • What’s the Difference Between This Service and Custom WordPress Theme Design? The Custom WordPress Theme Design service is where I create a completely unique design and features tailored specifically to you. In this service, I offer installation of a pre-built theme that you have selected. You can find more detailed information about Custom WordPress Theme Design here.
  • How long does the WordPress Theme Installation process take? Under normal circumstances, the installation is completed within 3 business days, but this timeframe may extend depending on the customizations you request.
  • Do you make changes to the theme? Customizations can be made to your installation based on the points you specify when creating your request, for an additional fee. Information about extra charges and time will be provided.
  • Is multilingual installation included? The quoted fee and time cover the installation of one theme in one language of your choice. Additional language options are billed separately.
  • Do you install non-original themes? I only install themes purchased from reputable theme sales sites like themeforest.net. I do not install or recommend using themes obtained through illegal means (warez, cracked, pirated, etc.). If your theme was obtained through such means, your fee will be refunded minus a commission fee.
  • Do you enter information for the site? I enter your “About Us” text and other information, up to 10 pages. I also provide guide videos to help you easily enter your own content. If you have more content and would like me to enter it for you, I can do so for an additional time and fee.
  • Do you issue invoices? All services we provide are backed by a distance sales agreement, and invoices are issued in your name.

The second option, Custom WordPress Theme Design, takes a bit more time compared to the first option but it’s a choice that can yield significantly better results.

What is a Custom WordPress Theme?

In short, a custom WordPress theme involves designing and coding your dream website from scratch, making it fully functional with the WordPress Theme management panel.

Why Should You Choose a Custom WordPress Theme?

The key considerations here are, of course, your budget and your expectations for the project. Two of the most important factors influencing the success of your project are originality and performance. Pre-built WordPress themes often come with numerous libraries, additional plugins, and various combinations, leading to the burden of carrying many unused files on your site, which can negatively impact performance. A unique design, on the other hand, is the key to making your brand stand out from the competition.

So, what do we do together?

The process of creating a Custom WordPress Theme consists of various stages. These can be divided into design and coding.

Custom WordPress Theme Design Process

At this point, I gather preliminary information about your project’s workflow and expectations. After providing you with this information, I collect your favorite sites, logos, and corporate colors. With these details, along with my interface designer colleague, I prepare a homepage design, a service/product category page design, and a service/product detail page design for you. We share these designs with you and take note of any change or revision requests. After making the necessary adjustments, I send it to you for approval and then move on to the coding stage.

Custom WordPress Theme Coding Process

I begin coding on a sample domain. Once the work becomes visible, I share it with you privately. In this phase, I prepare a custom Management Panel specifically for your project. Thanks to this management panel, you can update almost every aspect of your site yourself. Just like in the WordPress and WooCommerce theme installation services, I prepare guide videos to show you how to carry out these processes.

After the coding is completed, we perform all our tests together with mobile devices, and then we transfer your work from the sample domain to your main domain and launch the project.

From this point forward, just like with pre-built theme installations, I carry out the basic setup and integration processes.

Creative WordPress Development Designed for Humans, Not Coders:

Many developers typically focus only on meeting front-end requirements and overlook the user experience. However, as a creative designer with extensive experience, I offer much more than a typical developer. I assess your WordPress development needs from a comprehensive perspective, understanding both customer and development environments, and keeping both in mind.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How long does this process take? This varies depending on your expectations for the project. It’s not easy to give a precise timeframe, but based on my past experiences, your project will be delivered, including design and coding, in approximately 14 days.
  • Is multilingual installation included? Unlike WordPress and WooCommerce theme installations, the Custom WordPress Theme service involves work on a single language of your choice. For example, if you want your site to be published in English, I will carry out the entire process and coding in English. For additional languages, you will need to purchase a language plugin like WPML or Polylang. After your purchase, I will handle the integration for free.
  • Do you enter product/information for the site? In the Custom WordPress Theme service, I enter your products or services depending on the number. If you have more than 100 pages or products, I provide entry services for an additional fee.
  • Do you issue invoices? All services we provide are backed by a distance sales agreement, and invoices are issued in your name.

If you’d like to have a WordPress Theme installed or create a Custom WordPress theme and get more information, you can reach me by filling out the form below or using the WhatsApp line at the bottom of the page.
